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Getting organised for 2022

For the past two years, it has seemed as though there was almost no point in making plans, as pandemic enforced restrictions were being sprung upon us at the drop of a hat. Many of us felt that we wouldn’t bother planning at all, and save ourselves the disappointment of having our plans quashed time and time again.

Now, as life gets back to normal, planning is very much back on the agenda – after all, we have two years of socialising to catch up on! With so much to cram in – on top on a busy family life – it might seem overwhelming to have to start to organise your time again.

This is where Cards Galore Online come to the rescue. As  a leading supplier of cards, partywear and accessories, we also stock a wide range of diaries, planners and calendars to get you and your family back on track!

After all, the starting point for creating an organised life throughout 2022 has to be  investing in a suitable diary or planner-or for the super-determined, perhaps both!

We’ve put together our list of just why it’s in all our best interests to get organised for the New Year and beyond.


Less stress

Between work, children, appointments, shopping and keeping the home running,  it can feel as though we are juggling a seemingly never-ending set of responsibilities. Not surprisingly, this constant plate-spinning can leave our heads spinning too.  Let’s face it - anyone with a full schedule and no structure will struggle to cope.

If this sounds all too familiar, then why not approach January as a new beginning- a chance to introduce some much needed structure into daily life by establishing order from chaos? A wall planner in the kitchen is ideal as when used properly will let us keep track of each family member’s upcoming engagements at a glance, whether it’s football practice, a dentist appointment or PTA meeting.


Become more focused

We’ve all heard certain people described as efficient multi-taskers but according to the science, the brain doesn’t actually multitask. Instead, it shifts rapidly from one thing to the next meaning we’re not able to focus our attention clearly on any of them.

Dividing our attention in this way makes us less efficient than we think we are! Turns out the reason we believe we are good at it is purely self-delusion!

So, focusing on our priorities becomes much easier when we have decided exactly what they are-and one simple way of doing this is to write them down. Research shows that while tasks we haven’t done distract us, just making a plan to get them done can free us from this anxiety.

Whether a ‘page a day’ diary or a ‘week to view’ option works best for you, the products in our range will have you on top of your schedule in no time.





It goes without saying that an overloaded brain forgets things; important tasks, details and deadlines, making us less productive as a result.

Bringing structure to both our weekly and daily schedule has been likened to de-cluttering our personal space.


Free of clutter, the mind perceives our environment as an organised area allowing it to analyse patterns more effectively. That way, we can reap the rewards of a more constructive daily schedule and go to bed without thoughts of the tasks we had forgotten about until now whirling around in our minds when we’re trying to sleep.



More Free Time

Organising our hectic lives with the help of a diary or planner can literally give us more hours in the day, potentially freeing us up to say yes to opportunities for socialising we might have assumed weren’t possible.

And building leisure time into our schedules is as important as devoting time to other commitments. As they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

We owe it to ourselves to get the most out of our leisure time, not necessarily by organising every element to the nth degree but the clearer it is in our minds what we want to do, the more we’re likely to enjoy it to the fullest.


Feel more positive

It won’t be long before the benefits of a more organised way of living become clear. Once all the family members get into the habit of consulting the planner or when we’ve adapted to using our diaries more effectively, our day to day comings and goings may be less fraught as the likelihood of a forgotten  PE kit is drastically reduced as is the embarrassment of missing the Parent Teacher meeting we had arranged!

And after all, who wouldn’t welcome a calmer, more harmonious atmosphere either in our homes or in our working lives? Bring on the focus, clarity and confidence that can be ours if we change our approach!


Ultimately, having a diary that actually gets used can help keep us sane! Needless to say, attempting to retain everything in our heads that needs to be done means we forget things, double book or make mistakes. We’re fooling ourselves if we really think we can remember everything we need to without writing it down!

So, here’s to a Happy-and organised-2022, the year in which no birthday or anniversary gets forgotten.